A4. Design Systems


Katelynn Browne
3 min readApr 10, 2021

Yesterday, I was finally able to obtain the files on my computer’s hard drive! I was ecstatic. So, I got to work.

First, I addressed the color. I tweaked the green slightly, so that it would be a bit brighter, and more eye-catching. It’s a really subtle change but I think it helped. Next, in the article spread, I removed the tan color, and made it white. I think this helped create more contrast — which was much needed, and thus added more visual interest.

As for the spread, I worked on making some pull quotes, and also made the numbers bolder to draw the eye around the page. I also adjusted some of the paragraphs and images so they fit into my grid better. I also chose some different images with more color to also help add more interest and contrast.

Then, for the website, I adjusted my grid, and worked around it to make the spacing more consistent. I also fixed the size of the splash page — before, as I learned in class critiques, it was too large. So I fixed it. I felt for the website especially, the grid was really helpful in making sure everything was consistent, and also gave the page a better sense of balance.

For the poster, I also worked on the grids, and moved around some words and paragraphs and things to fit the grid better. I also added the NYU logo.

Here are the pdfs of my deliverables. Here are pictures of my deliverables:

All in all this project taught me a lot about using grids. While I think that I need more practice at it, I think that it’s something I’m going to work to incorporate more in my design going forward. I think it produces far better design work generally than if you don’t use a grid. While I like the color better than before, I think I still need to work on color going forward. I think next project I am going to challenge myself to work with a color that isn’t green. This project was really interesting and challenging, and it was really fun to work across different mediums.



Katelynn Browne

Katelynn Browne is a current graduate student at NYU who specializes in user experience design with interests around social change.