A5. Type in Motion

Week 2

Katelynn Browne
3 min readApr 21, 2021

This week I worked on a few things. Mainly, I worked on type and color. I tried a few different fonts out, and ended up using Poppins. I chose Poppins because I like how playful yet geometric it is, and I feel that these qualities lends the font quite well to the dialogue in the audio I chose. I think it works well for back and forth banter — it’s able to be snippy, but it’s also really round, and youthful. It allows the text, I think anyway, to behave bouncy if I want it to be bouncy.

As for choosing colors, I tried to color drop colors from the cartoon itself. I played around with different color palettes as seen below.

I liked how the colors went together on the white background, and I think they work nicely as a palette, but when you bring type into the mix, things got more complicated.

These are some storyboards I mocked up, with all the different character’s voices on the page. I think that it might be a bit muted but I think it’s going in the right direction. What I did manage to figure out though, was how to denote the different characters speaking. I plan to do this by making Beatrice’s text bold, and large, to represent her more authoritative role in the group. Wirt is going to be denoted by a thinner text and dark blue — the dark blue is drawn from his cape. Wirt is unsure of himself, and I think that is represented by the thinner and smaller text, with the exception of his outbursts — which will still be represented by larger italics, maybe a slightly bolder font, but not that much bolder. The horse is denoted by brown and by a normal weight, because of the stability of his voice.

After figuring this out, I watched some of the tutorials posted. I found the one by Black Mixture very helpful. However, I didn’t realize that you had to do everything one word at a time, and I now understand why I was asked to consider trimming the audio slightly. Because of this, I didn’t plan my time very well, and was only able to do the first 10 seconds. Going forward into next week though, I understand how long it will take me to work on this. I currently have it in black and white, because I want to get feedback on my color schemes.

My plan for next week is to have the full draft of this done with the color schemes, so that for the final week, I can tweak the minor details.



Katelynn Browne

Katelynn Browne is a current graduate student at NYU who specializes in user experience design with interests around social change.