A5. Type in Motion

Week 3

Katelynn Browne
1 min readApr 28, 2021

This week, I finalized my color choices, and worked more on my animations. I still am struggling with time management for this aspect of the project — it keeps taking way longer than I anticipate for me to work on things. For this reason, I decided to trim the audio down to 30 seconds. I think that it still works, and you still get the same playful banter that you did with the 45 second audio. However, I just don’t think I would be able to finish the whole thing by next week with finals and everything coming up.

Some goals I have for next week are the following:
1. Obviously, finishing the rest of the sequence. I have about 10 seconds left. I will probably work on it more tomorrow after class.
2. I want to add coins for the money part and the 2 pennies part. For the “we need money” part I think it would be funny to have it rain coins, and then when it’s revealed that it’s only 2 pennies, I would like to flash the 2 circles.
3. I think I could add some fancier transitions between sentences to help with flow.
4. As always, I think the color could use some work.

Anyway, here is my update project! I think it’s come a long way from last week, and I’m excited to see how it will grow in the next week. I also look forward to getting feedback from my classmates.



Katelynn Browne

Katelynn Browne is a current graduate student at NYU who specializes in user experience design with interests around social change.